Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Corporate aviation photography has a new look!

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Taylor Greenwood Photography has an updated look! We've been working real hard lately to update our web presence and give everyone out there a little bit more to look at. Look forward to seeing newer and more frequent blog entries. The corporate aviation world is an exciting one. We hope you come here often to check out the new stuff we see and create.

Click the images below to view the site.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Show of Cards CD Release - Show of Curry!

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Back in March perhaps April, I believe it to be, I had the pleasure of working with a very special band. Show of Cards is a family band made up of siblings Joe, Karen and Mike Cardozo. We had a great time shooting outdoors in Amherst despite the fact that it was awfully blustery out. After the shoot I was invited to Karens home where we ate some great food. This brings me to my next paragraph.....

......The Cardozo's (Show of Cards) are having their first album release concert at The Black Moon in Belchertown Oct. 3, 7:00pm with a "Show of Curry" before hand. The band and other family members will be preparing a very special dinner for guests that pay the 20$ admission. Admission includes not only the dinner but a CD and also a "one-of-a-kind" commemorative ticket! (I was told these are playing cards outfitted with photographs taken by me and autographed by the band members) ---- A 5$ post dinner ticket is also available to those who wish to just see the show. Contact band@showofcards.com to purchase tickets. You can listen to Show of Cards at their website: www.showofcards.com

I can assure you these folks cook some great food and play some even better music! Please go out and have a great time!

Enjoy and embrace fall...It's here!



Monday, September 7, 2009

Just a Little Car Shoot

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Went out a bit today to take some pictures of my car. I recently purchased this 2004 Nissan Sentra 1.8s from my mother. Looks decent on the outside, but gahhh!!! Look at that valve cover... What New England will do to a car!

I found this great web forum for the cars so I needed to snap some pictures. QG18DE.NET... Anywho, here's a couple snap shots from the after noon.

By the by! Anyone viewing this blog from Appleton, look out! This is me car! Lets do a photoshoot! Exclamation point!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cold Duck Complex Album Release

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Happy Saturday to everyone out there! I'm sitting at the dining room table this morning as Melissas brother Kyle looks at his baseball cards.  Last night I shared my love for baseball with him, and my admiration of Cal Ripken Jr. It was good.

Any who...I don't know if anyone has seen it, but some of the cover work for Cold Duck Complex's has been released on their my space page.   The art work was designed by Brandon Blangger, and the photography was done by Taylor Greenwood Photography. We are so excited to be a part of the new album. CDC is such a big part of the Western, MA music scene.  

If anyone has a chance to, Cold Duck will be debuting their new album on July, 24 at the Iron Horse. Go show up for a party!!!!!

I hope everyone is doing well. Till next time!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Meet and Greet Busy Busy Busy!

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

I have to say. It's busy here in Appleton. There's a lot of people and a fair amount of work. We've been bidding on a lot of jobs, and interviewing with a lot of people. Things will soon pay off. Today we are meeting with David Jackson, another area photographer.

In aviation news, I met a pilot the other day and we shared joy and excitement for this years EAA. He is attending school in North Dakota right now. We'll also soon be doing a large jet shoot within the next few weeks. 

Life is good! Hope everyone is well!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Appleton Arrival

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

So we've made it! We're thrilled to be here and can't wait to get started. We've both
been searching for work and starting to get more involved with the community. We'll be starting up our featured artist series. Some artists to look forward to are Photographer David Jackson and the band Dance Billy Dance. Give us a call! Let's do coffee! I've attached a picture of the mess we moved here with. Some of our lights and our vagabond II power packs. All the best!

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Photobiz.com Rocks!

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

To all of my photography friends out there, I just want to tell you that Photobiz.com is the place to look for all of your web-site building needs. After graduating school, yes I had a basic understanding of HTML and could build a site for myself if needed. However, after graduation, I found myself very busy with no time to work on a decent looking website.

Max Cohen turned me on to photobiz.com. You can check out Max's site at http://cohenstudios.com/. When I was searching for companies who made websites specifically for photographers, I started looking at live-books. Nice websites...they get the job done...but they're expensive. My final decision came down to bludomain or photobiz.com. Bludomain looked good, but to my understanding you could buy just one template and be stuck with that template unless you wanted to buy a different one. At photobiz.com after paying the $125 one time fee and $15/mo. you have access to any template you want whenever you want. You can change the look of your website anytime.

Any who... I love photobiz. They're customer service is incredible. Photobiz allows me to have an online store with prints for sale by credit card. It's easy to upload images, and change the site around. Very user friendly. Very professional. BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE without spending too much money!

So check them out! http://photobiz.com/ (have I provided enough links to their site?)and tell them Taylor Greenwood sent you!

All the best my friends. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Featured Artist No. 2 Ian Bauer

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Melissa and I would like to introduce to everyone, Ian Bauer! Ian Bauer everyone! **aplause** Right... Melissa did a shoot with Ian just before making a trip to Chicago for some musical exploration of his. He again, is someone I went to school with. Elementary school actually. I can remember sitting on the school bus. Him sharing Elvis with me and me sharing Beach Boys with him. ON CASSETTE WALKMEN! Any who, I am inspired by Ian's music and ambitions. He is an active blogger, and radio talk-show host, spreading good word of faith and a bunch of other stuff that is good. We are proud to have Ian as our second Featured Artist!

Ian's Website: www.myspace.com/bigfatheartmusic

What is it that really got you into music?
A friend in elementry school played piano really well and I remember asking him to teach me something. He taught me a song along the lines of Mary Had a Little Lamb and after that piano came very naturually. My dream of being a professional musician begain when I started to attend concerts. I would watch bands move people with their music and have such great influence on their fans. I want that.

I asked this to our previous artist this. Do you have any dreams or ambitions of changing the world with your art?
Hopefully every artist has dreams of doing something big with their art. I dont think my music will ever change the world but I hope it does to people what other's music has done for me. I hope that the songs I write are relateable and that listeners can feel like someone else knows whatever their going through. Also, there's this thing most people do when they hear a really good jam, which is squint their eyes and bob their head. I'd love if my playing did that to people.

What KIND of music do you play?
Great question! I've had the oppurtunity to play with so many different groups and artists from progressive rock to church praise music. I am definietly more of a session musician than a
songwriter but, when I do get to writing I enjoy the blues/funk genre. Recently, some of my songs seem to have less of a funk influence and more of an alternative pop sound. Is that a bad thing?

Can you tell us about your recent trip to Chicago? What is it you were doing?
I went to Chicago to play guitar for a friend of mine, Judah Legge. We were a blues/soul acoustic duo. Along with many gigs in the Chicago area, we auditioned for NBC's America's Got Talent. We even got the callback for the Los Angelos taping in April.
Entertain us with thoughts about your experience with the show America's got Talent.
I'm not allowed to say a heck of a lot. I met lots of interesting entertainers and was put up in a really nice hotel in LA by NBC. Overall an amazing experience!

Musical inspirations?
I'm tempted to just list a bunch of artists I like but, thats not the question. Musicians or bands that actually inspire me include Paul Simon, Derek Webb, Andrew Osenga, Andrew Peterson, Raul Midon and others. Lately I've been listening to a lot of modern rock stuff like SafetySuit, The Classic Crime and even David Cook.

You have a radio show. Tell us about it.
A few years ago a low power station broadcasting out of a church basement started up. I jumped on board as soon as I heard about it. They were so eager to have people I was given my own weekly show right away. I just had fun playing music and having friends on the show. One episiode I invited my friend Tyler Bourbeau on. It went so well he became my full time co-host! It's a lot of fun and I'm gonna plug our website in 3...2...1... tylerandian.blogspot.com.

Any other fantastic awesome facts we should know about Ian Bauer?....We went to elementary school together.
Yes we did! As far as fantastic, awesome facts; I click my teeth in awkward social situations and I also speak Romanian.

Thank you for taking time to learn about Ian and his work! We are always accepting applications at info@taylorgreenwoodphotography.com

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Retouching Services

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Taylor Greenwood Photography now offers photo retouching to everyone in need. Perhaps you're a photographer with lots of work, and no time to retouch, we're the perfect people to call. Or you may have some old family photos that you would like restored and made digital. We have an extensive background in photo-retouching and some of the best retouching staff around. Give us a shout! info@taylorgreenwoodphotography.com

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Hike in Satan's Kingdom

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

This past weekend was quite eventful. We celebrated my cousin Kerri's graduation for most of Saturday and into Sunday. Our family is full of some great people to be around.

After returning home, I sat down, caught up on some emails and had lunch. Joe came over around 2:00. We ended up going for a hike in Satan's Kingdom, just behind my house. I brought my camera with me cause I've been meaning to take more photographs just for the heck of it. I got a nice picture of an orange newt, and a couple pictures of what I believe to be Lady Slippers. An endangered flower in US.

We've been receiving more and more applications for our featured artist page! We're thrilled. Keep em' coming! We've got a few more weeks to fill while we're in Massachusetts so lets hear from some locals! We might feature a chef this week! In the mean time read about Jonathan!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Bittersweet Move

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

I’ve been stating so often how excited I am to move. The excitement of starting fresh, and the excitement of doing work in and area that can actually provide. I mean...Appleton is just so much better for business, but still has some down home aspects you know?  It’s not a huggeee city.  It’s close to some nice country living, and I think it’ll just be a great place to be for a while.

On the other hand, I think of what I’ll be leaving behind. I will always love New England.  The views, the smells, the roads that are actually fun to drive on, and on that note...asphalt. They don’t have asphalt out there.  I’ll miss just the lifestyle. I’ll miss my giant maple trees that provide shade on a sunny day. I’ll miss my 4 acre backyard (you’d be lucky to find anything more than a quarter of an acre in Appleton).  I’ll miss the people here. 20 almost 21 years of growing up in the same area has allowed me to meet an incredible amount of great people. Even if it’s someone that I occasionally exchange a mere “hey, hows it going?” with. Everyone is so great here in Massachusetts.  I am excited to meet new people though.

The people I’ll miss the most are my parents.  I’m embarrassed to admit this, but when my parents come home at their usual time, I parallel my dogs behaviors for when I come home. Well, I mean, I don’t jump on them or anything, but I will go downstairs and greet them, or I will go outside and say “welcome home, how was your day”.  If my dog could talk, I think he’d say “Welcome home.” I just love them that much. I will miss casual conversations about everything.  I’ll miss that occasional “pat on the back” for a job well done. Or the pleasure of hearing the satisfaction in my dads voice when he comes home and discovers that I’ve mowed the lawn or shoveled the driveway. I’ll miss going grocery shopping with my mom. I’ll just miss them.

They’ll just be a phone call away I suppose. I can look at pictures of Massachusetts and Maine on the computer if I want to. And lord knows there’s enough cow shit in Wisconsin to remind me of what home smells like. 

I am excited to move to Wisconsin. Can’t wait. Want to leave now. I’m ready to miss my home.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Featured Artist No.1 Jonathan Kusek

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

This weeks Featured Artist is Jonathan Kusek. Jon is a soon to be graduate of Pioneer Valley Regional School and has a love for photography.  Jon and I shared a photo class a couple of years ago when I was still in school. We were very happy to work with him as our first featured artist. Please read on about him and check out his WEBSITE and BLOG

So you're a photographer...Why? 

Well, it's something i always count on making me happy when i need it. It gives me the feeling of creativity, and originality. It never seizes to make me realize how lucky i am to look at things the way i do. 

What do you plan on doing with your photography? Any plans to change the world?

I hope to keep exploring the world of photography as long as i live, whether it be a career or a hobby. And yeah, I'd like to change the world one day i suppose, I'm always up for a challenge.   

How would you describe your style?

Hmm, well, i never really can categorize my style that well, but my photos consist of nature,portraits,and some journalism i suppose. I really just shoot pictures of anything that interests me. I enjoy shooting film the most, but shoot digital just as much.

Education plans?

If all goes well, I plan on going to a local community college for a year or two, and then transferring out to an art college of some sort.

Other photographers or artists you look up to?

- Ansel Adams
- Weegee
- Steve McCurry
- Todd Hido

Favorite music.
Well recently quite a bit tof hip-hop such as Nujabes, MF Doom, Madlib, Wu-tang. Apart from hip-hop, i enjoy The Smiths, Fall of Troy, The Mountain Goats.  I can't really choose much, my taste in music ranges quite a bit. 

More things we should know about you?

Well, i enjoy watching and making movies, playing soccer, sleeping, and bathing in mustard.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bizzy Card Rap

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Melissa and I got our business cards in the mail today! Wooot! I tried uploading a video of the rap to blogger, but blogger doesn't seem to like videos so check out my rap HERE.

We this time purchased our business cards from gotprint.com. I was much happier with their service than my previous printers. The turn around time was great and the print quality is perfect. Reasonable prices. Great product. We ordered our postcards from them too.

Seniors 2010 Postcards

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

So we've got an "in" at Appleton East. We'll soon be handing our new postcards out to students of the 2010 class at Appleton East. Melissa and I balanced our time last night between American Idol and designing postcards. Go Danny Gokey! 

Well we finished the cards and ordered them. Woot! On top of that, our new business cards are going to be here today!

Any 2010 seniors in Appleton that contact us before we hand those post cards out receive 15% off their senior portrait packages! Get at us!

Monday, May 11, 2009

TGP's Featured Artist Page

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hello Everyone! 

Melissa and I are starting a new project on the website and right here on the blog. We are going to be creating a featured artist page! Each week, or every couple of weeks a new artist will be featured on the website and in our blog. Writers, Musicians, Culinary Experts, Photographers, Painters, anything that might be considered art.

The weekly featured artist page will consist of these 4 major pieces:
• A brief interview with the artist
• A picture of the artist. That's what we do best!
• A link to the artist's website or email.
• Some work posted on the page. (More pictures, music perhaps, other things)

We will be starting this pretty soon and look forward to continuing on and on and spreading good word about great local artists

Email us at info@taylorgreenwoodphotography.com and include your...

We look forward to hearing from everybody!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Successful Relay Benefit Concert

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hello all,

I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who came out last night to support Hallmark's Relay for Life team. It was a very successful night, and I hope everyone had as much fun as we did. The band's were fantastic and the venue was great.

The Venue - Winterland Country Club (myspace.com/winterlandcountryclub)

U.AM (myspace.com/uamrockband)
Cold Duck Complex (myspace.com/coldduckcomplex)
The Extension (myspace.com/theextension)

Thank you all once again, and please continue to support these groups and the cause that they played for last night.

It would be great to one day find a cure for cancer.

Here was a thank you from the leader of the Hallmark relay team!

Thank you Taylor for all your help in getting this event organized. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you to all the bands that played. You all rock! Everyone had a great time and we were able to raise over $800 to donate to the American Cancer Society. Thank you to the staff at Winterland Country Club for allowing us the venue and thank you to everyone who attended to support the event. Keep those that have been touched by cancer in your hearts and pray that we find a cure so that no one else has to hear those dreaded words. Rock out!

Relay For Life
Captain, Hallmark Hipsters

All the best!

Friday, May 8, 2009

From 0 to....a bunch!

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

In just under a week of some hardcore marketing work, we were able to go from zero to over 100 views in WI. We've yet to receive calls **shakes fist** but we know that word is getting out and people are seeing our work. As I've stated before. We're excited for the move. Just trying to nail down some more clients and we'll be thrilled!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Recent Shoot with Cold Duck Complex

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hiya everybody!

A couple weeks ago Melissa and I had the pleasure of working with Joe Cardozo and Casey Hayman of Cold Duck Complex on a promo shoot for their soon to debut album "Freshwater." The work will be used for promo leading up to the albums debut and you might even find some of our work as part of the album art work. That would be cool!

Please check out their music at www.myspace.com/coldduckcomplex

Taylor Greenwood Photography and Cold Duck Complex are also teaming up with Hallmark Institute of Photography and producing a Relay for Life benefit concert this Saturday at Winterland Country Club in Greenfield, MA.

I've included some pictures from our CDC shoot. Let us know what you think!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Business Cards

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

So we're moving to Wisconsin. Yup. Since Melissa and I are now working together under Taylor Greenwood Photography we've made new business cards for our portrait and commercial customers.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We're moving to Appleton, WI

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

In June, following Hallmark's graduation, Melissa and I will be heading out to Appleton, Wisconsin. We feel that it's a great place to start out, and are certain that there is a substantially larger amount of work for us to do out there.  We will be offering our services as commercial and portrait photographers to Appleton and it's surrounding area.

We currently live in a town of about 1,200ish people. (Not to mention that 99% of the people living here wouldn't pay more than $50 for a family portrait.) Appleton has somewhere around 80,000 residents if I'm not mistaken.

Needless to say we'll be looking forward to the move. We'll miss New England for sure, but we'll make a return within a year or two, once we have better established ourselves as photographers.  I'm happy to say that aviation work will still be going on while we're out there. The EAA is right around the corner, and Gulfstream has some offices at the Appleton airport. I would love to do some work with them. We also plan to continue working as staff photographers for AirFlyte Inc.

So look out Appleton. We're coming to ya! Book your sessions now and mention this blog post and receive 20% off any portrait session! Contact us at info@taylorgreenwoodphotography.com

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I dig twitter

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Well, as most of you know, mainly from seeing this blog, I am an aviation photographer. Specializing very specifically in executive aviation. I've recently decided to start expanding my work and trying to get some connections with people that are in the industries I love. 1 being music. 2 Being longboarding. 

I just found out how Twitter actually works. At first I was like "I'm already connected these people on facebook," but now I'm realizing that Twitter is for the people you aren't connected with yet. Easy to let them know you exist. I've already started meeting people and it's great. 

Some people may know I love to play my ukulele. I responded to a tweet last night for Making Music Magazine saying I would happily do some tip/instructional videos for their website.  Today I was pleased to see a response on their twitter page, incorporating a link to my website. I attached a picture. Check http://www.makingmusicmag.com/ to learn more about Making Music.

I am excited about twitter, the business I'm getting through it, and the people I am meeting. Also got a nice RT from Sector 9 longboards. I just got an old fiji deck today. Taking it to the shop for some refurbishin'. 

A huge recommendation to other photographers. Go sign up for twitter! If you're already on it, don't worry so much about following your friends so much as just starting to follow people or business' in the area you are looking to work in.

Monday, March 30, 2009

New Logo!

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hey everyone!

Lot's of stuff to talk about today. I recently tried emailing scion for a vehicle sponsorship. Didn't have too much luck. Got an email reply from two different people with the exact same words. So booo to them. Not really but yeah. Don't think I'm gonna get a scion.

So I purchased my new logo recently! I've been working with my good friend Ethan Kociela. We go all the way back to elementary school honors band. I may have stated that in a previous post. Soooo many thanks to him, I have a logo.

In other news. Hallmark hosted Catherine Hall as a guest speaker today. I typed in catherinehall.com and did not get her website. However, I did get a site that had aviation videos! One of them was of the 2007 EAA Airventure! I will say it again. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO OUT THERE!!!

Anywho, I attached a picture of my logo, and all is good. I hope everyone is doing well. 


Friday, March 6, 2009

Well today is the day

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

I'm happy to say I'm feeling better today. After taking a quick step outside then returning indoors and miraculously hearing the song "Today is the Day" by Apollo sunshine on my iPod set to shuffle I realized that spring is on it's way.  That song never fails to remind me of the greatness of spring. The lyrics say "If that grass looks fun to roll in, then roll in that fuckin'grass. (fuckin'grass being one word, and not a swear word.) Think about rolling in grass? Spring!

So, aviation wise, spring makes me think of summer. Summer makes me think of EAA's AirVenture at Oshkosh, WI one of the biggest air shows around. Melissa and I will be attending the show, and I am still debating on whether or not we're going to get a booth. We'll probably just walk around, hand out thousands of business cards, and take lots and lots of pictures! 

I attached a photo of what our sets generally look like.   AlienBees WORKIN' HARD!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

WWE Private Jet - Challenger

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hey all,

I try to balance my sick time between a few things. Coughing, sleeping, and being on the internet. So today in my searches, I came across some pictures of Mr. McMahon's Private WWE Jet.

Some of you may know that I worked for the WWE for a few months after graduating from Hallmark.  I would love, as time progresses to bring my current career and my old job together, and photograph Mr. McMahon's Challenger

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A funny story

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

I was sitting in front of my computer, as usual, editing photos or watching videos on youtube, when I received a call from an unknown number.  I said "who could this be".  The conversation is as follows.

Man on the unknown number:  "Hi, this is John from LexJet"

Me: "Oh Hi!, How are you?" Now I know of an aircraft sales company named FlexJet maybe this is something similar. A client! I think excitedly to myself.

Man on the unknown number: "Good thanks. Do you do your own printing?"

Me: What does that have to do with anything..."No. I don't print often, and usually outsource if I need to.

Man on the unknown number: "Well we offer great deals on printers bla bla bla, and have a newsletter on our site bla bla bla. Check it out"

Well I was very disappointed cause I thought I was getting a call from a client. Never the less, the man was nice to talk to, and it was nice to know that someone was looking at my website, and my contact information.

I hope everyone is doing well. Spring is on it's way!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Work Posted on WetzelAviation.com

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hey all, I was very happy to see today some of my pictures on Wetzel Aviation's website. It's not too big of a deal, but it's just so neat to see some "paid for work" published somewhere. Here's a screen shot.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hawker Exterior Shoot

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hey All,

Back when we shot the Lear 31 we also did interior shots of a very nice Hawker.  Today we are going to Westfield to complete the project and will be doing an exterior shot.

I'm excited to shoot today because just last week I purchased a set of AlienBees for lighting. We used it on the last interior shoot, but haven't used it on any exteriors yet. Tonight is the night! 

As well as the strobes, I bought 3 flash lights at $5 a piece to put behind the wheels when I shoot. They don't strobe but I'm usually dragging the shutter 3-6 seconds so they'll come through. 

Can't wait to share the outcome with everyone! In the meantime Here's a picture of what the inside of the Hawker looks like

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lear 60 Shoot

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hey all!

Just wanted to give a little update to the blog here. We shot a Lear 60 early this week and just wanted to share some images.

The exterior was shot at high noon... not my style, but it's what I had, and what the brokers wanted.

It was a beautiful plane, and was reupholstered immediately before we got on to do the shoot.  The glue was still strong enough to make us a bit light headed... How one can do that professionally is beyond me, but boy do those upholsterers make a plane look nice.

Enjoy the Lear

All the best,


Please check out my website, www.taylorgreenwoodphotography.com for a full portfolio and more information.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Hey everyone! (assuming people know i have a blog) I just published my new website, and am so excited to be able to share it with everybody. It's not finished yet, but I figured it was certainly still viewable. 

I've been working with two designers on separate things.  Frances Gonzalez who graduated 2008 will be providing a lovely, much more attractive splash intro page than what I have up right now. I'm sure.

Another old friend from elementary school honors band is helping create a logo for my aviation business. I saw some examples today and can not wait for the final product!

Things have been well. I can't post images to hipsters for whatever reason so check out the new site!


I hope everyone is doing well out there. Class of 2008 and all of them before!

Take Care


Monday, February 9, 2009

Recent Going Ons

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

There's lot's of stuff in the works right now in the Aviation Photo Biz. I just got my business cards in today, and am very excited to start handing them out.

There are a few kinks with the website, but I'm hoping to have it ready and published by the beginning of next week. I am also working with Frances Gonzalez on a design for the "splash intro" page. She does great work, and I cant wait to see how it all turns out.

I just posted some images of a Citation CJ3. We're going to be shooting other exterior shots of that plane, and a Hawker. Hopefully taking some shots from a higher perspective so we can cut out the plane and use it for the design on the flash intro page. Make it look like its flying!

That's the goods. Warm weather this week too. I hope everyone is doing well.