Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Bittersweet Move

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

I’ve been stating so often how excited I am to move. The excitement of starting fresh, and the excitement of doing work in and area that can actually provide. I mean...Appleton is just so much better for business, but still has some down home aspects you know?  It’s not a huggeee city.  It’s close to some nice country living, and I think it’ll just be a great place to be for a while.

On the other hand, I think of what I’ll be leaving behind. I will always love New England.  The views, the smells, the roads that are actually fun to drive on, and on that note...asphalt. They don’t have asphalt out there.  I’ll miss just the lifestyle. I’ll miss my giant maple trees that provide shade on a sunny day. I’ll miss my 4 acre backyard (you’d be lucky to find anything more than a quarter of an acre in Appleton).  I’ll miss the people here. 20 almost 21 years of growing up in the same area has allowed me to meet an incredible amount of great people. Even if it’s someone that I occasionally exchange a mere “hey, hows it going?” with. Everyone is so great here in Massachusetts.  I am excited to meet new people though.

The people I’ll miss the most are my parents.  I’m embarrassed to admit this, but when my parents come home at their usual time, I parallel my dogs behaviors for when I come home. Well, I mean, I don’t jump on them or anything, but I will go downstairs and greet them, or I will go outside and say “welcome home, how was your day”.  If my dog could talk, I think he’d say “Welcome home.” I just love them that much. I will miss casual conversations about everything.  I’ll miss that occasional “pat on the back” for a job well done. Or the pleasure of hearing the satisfaction in my dads voice when he comes home and discovers that I’ve mowed the lawn or shoveled the driveway. I’ll miss going grocery shopping with my mom. I’ll just miss them.

They’ll just be a phone call away I suppose. I can look at pictures of Massachusetts and Maine on the computer if I want to. And lord knows there’s enough cow shit in Wisconsin to remind me of what home smells like. 

I am excited to move to Wisconsin. Can’t wait. Want to leave now. I’m ready to miss my home.


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