Thursday, May 21, 2009

Featured Artist No. 2 Ian Bauer

Posted by Taylor Greenwood

Melissa and I would like to introduce to everyone, Ian Bauer! Ian Bauer everyone! **aplause** Right... Melissa did a shoot with Ian just before making a trip to Chicago for some musical exploration of his. He again, is someone I went to school with. Elementary school actually. I can remember sitting on the school bus. Him sharing Elvis with me and me sharing Beach Boys with him. ON CASSETTE WALKMEN! Any who, I am inspired by Ian's music and ambitions. He is an active blogger, and radio talk-show host, spreading good word of faith and a bunch of other stuff that is good. We are proud to have Ian as our second Featured Artist!

Ian's Website:

What is it that really got you into music?
A friend in elementry school played piano really well and I remember asking him to teach me something. He taught me a song along the lines of Mary Had a Little Lamb and after that piano came very naturually. My dream of being a professional musician begain when I started to attend concerts. I would watch bands move people with their music and have such great influence on their fans. I want that.

I asked this to our previous artist this. Do you have any dreams or ambitions of changing the world with your art?
Hopefully every artist has dreams of doing something big with their art. I dont think my music will ever change the world but I hope it does to people what other's music has done for me. I hope that the songs I write are relateable and that listeners can feel like someone else knows whatever their going through. Also, there's this thing most people do when they hear a really good jam, which is squint their eyes and bob their head. I'd love if my playing did that to people.

What KIND of music do you play?
Great question! I've had the oppurtunity to play with so many different groups and artists from progressive rock to church praise music. I am definietly more of a session musician than a
songwriter but, when I do get to writing I enjoy the blues/funk genre. Recently, some of my songs seem to have less of a funk influence and more of an alternative pop sound. Is that a bad thing?

Can you tell us about your recent trip to Chicago? What is it you were doing?
I went to Chicago to play guitar for a friend of mine, Judah Legge. We were a blues/soul acoustic duo. Along with many gigs in the Chicago area, we auditioned for NBC's America's Got Talent. We even got the callback for the Los Angelos taping in April.
Entertain us with thoughts about your experience with the show America's got Talent.
I'm not allowed to say a heck of a lot. I met lots of interesting entertainers and was put up in a really nice hotel in LA by NBC. Overall an amazing experience!

Musical inspirations?
I'm tempted to just list a bunch of artists I like but, thats not the question. Musicians or bands that actually inspire me include Paul Simon, Derek Webb, Andrew Osenga, Andrew Peterson, Raul Midon and others. Lately I've been listening to a lot of modern rock stuff like SafetySuit, The Classic Crime and even David Cook.

You have a radio show. Tell us about it.
A few years ago a low power station broadcasting out of a church basement started up. I jumped on board as soon as I heard about it. They were so eager to have people I was given my own weekly show right away. I just had fun playing music and having friends on the show. One episiode I invited my friend Tyler Bourbeau on. It went so well he became my full time co-host! It's a lot of fun and I'm gonna plug our website in 3...2...1...

Any other fantastic awesome facts we should know about Ian Bauer?....We went to elementary school together.
Yes we did! As far as fantastic, awesome facts; I click my teeth in awkward social situations and I also speak Romanian.

Thank you for taking time to learn about Ian and his work! We are always accepting applications at


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